Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Activity #7 Constellations


What is a constellation?

A constellation is a set of fixed stars or stars, between them they form an imaginary drawing.

Virgo: The Virgin, of symbol, is a constellation of the Zodiac that is in the celestial northern hemisphere. It is located between Leo and Libra, and 

is the second largest constellation in the sky.

Libra: Libra is the seventh constellation of the zodiac According to the International Astronomical Union the name, in Latin, of the constellation is Libra. It is one of the 88 modern constellations. It is a 

dimly lit constellation that has no stars of the first magnitude.

Taurus: Taurus is one of the constellations of the zodiac, the ox. It sits large and prominent in the night sky, between Aries in the west and Gemini in the east; to the north is Perseus and Auriga, to the southwest Orion, and to the southeast Eridanus and Cetus.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, with symbol, is a zodiacal constellation located between the Eagle, Capricorn, the Microscope, the Telescope, the Southern Crown, Scorpio, the Serpentarium, Serpent and the Shield. It contains 204 stars visible to the naked eye, among which there are two of second magnitude and eight of third.


Martina M.

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Activity #7 Constellations

  Constellations What is a constellation? A constellation is a set of fixed stars or stars, between them they form an imaginary drawing. Vir...